My 2023 New Year Essentials

  1. Routine Edit

Experts say [trust me] having a consistent sleep schedule & morning wake up time can completely shift how you energetically move through the world. Not to mention how you feel.

This year my goal is to wake up at 6am each morning. Depending on the day I’ll spend my time before the creative workday begins on a run, reading, or painting to clear my mind & do something that I absolutely love that is just for me. I’m sure you’ve felt that incredibly addicting rush you get when you’ve had time for yourself to do something that gives you joy before you even step foot through your [home] office doors.

A wise friend, fellow designer & blogger Kristina from KM Company, once gave me this great insight: Schedule your week based on your values. This could [& probably will] be a blog post in itself. Your schedule is that YOURS. It’s outline based on what you value. For example, mine are, creativity, community, security, & learning. I can assign each day a value, so if Fridays are about community, then on that day I will schedule my meetings & intentionally plan a girls’ night or organize a monthly book club. Security can look like a budgeting day, investing, or honestly the working days on each weekday. So on, and so on! Kristina recommends you assign whole days to each value because then you have a new value to look forward to everyday.

2. Journal

Make your own, find an old one, or make an afternoon out of finding a new one you love!

But either way, do it! I can’t tell you how much I absolutely love my well-loved journal that holds 10 years of romantic hopes, escapades, and embarrassing anecdotes. Not to mention charting my evolving goals, life changing trips, and my overthinking tendencies.


My full from cover-to-cover 10 year journal


I’ve heard writing brings you back to yourself & I have to say it has done this for me time and time again. When I feel overly stimulated, unfocused, stressed, or perpetually unsure, writing brings me back to myself, and I hope it does the same for you.

3. Get The Haircut

Or a new hairstyle!


Here are some of my favorite hair trends for 2023.


You knew my New Year Essentials list couldn’t be without a haircut! When you are reading this, I already got mine [Layers, layers, layers]! Nothing will make you feel newer or more ready for a fresh start. Whether it is building on the beautiful life you have created to this point or pivoting to a life that feels more authentically you or maybe it’s a haircut that says “I’m going to have fun figuring it out.”

Book the haircut!

4. Wardrobe Refresh

Work with what you have!

You’ll be surprised how restyling your pieces can completely shift your looks. Have fun playing dress up!

My advice is to start by taking all of your clothes, shoes, EVERYTHING out of your closet, and starting fresh. Start with the essentials. The pieces you would categorize under “Couldn’t Live Without.” Then be honest & only add in the pieces you truly love wearing and give someone else a chance to enjoy the clothes that are ready for a new home.

Tap here to book your wardrobe consultation

Find your nearest womens’ shelter by clicking here.

5. Learn

Book the yoga class, subscribe to the Master Class [to date the best gift I’ve ever gotten], sign up for the tennis team, join the running club, find the local art studio, or maybe even a cooking class.

This year I plan to keep myself curious. Always learning. Nothing else has brought me more fulfillment & confidence.

6. Make The Reading List

Number six follows right in the curious footsteps of our number five 2023 new year essential, create a list of books that spark excitement, curiosity, or whatever you want to feel. When I was a kid, my dad relentlessly preached about the importance of reading and would give us these reading challenges that felt like boring obligations. I couldn’t stay focused or sometimes even have an ounce of interest. BUT NOW as an adult it feels like such a luxury to learn for learning's sake, especially now that I know what I want to learn about. Sorry, I didn’t get it then dad! I do now!

I’m a nonfiction girl.

I love reading about The Stories We Tell, learning how to Think Like a Monk, or learning The French Art of Not Trying Too Hard.

In the comments, please share the books on your reading list, so that we can all enrich our minds together.

7. Book a Trip to Look Forward to!

Okay so maybe you don’t have to book the trip right away, but start by researching. Where would you wake up every day excited to explore? Is there a museum that has art that you’ve always wanted to see in person? A country whose cuisine you’ve always wanted to try & maybe even learn how to make?


This trip is about filling your cup. Whether you have a family you’re taking with you or you are going on your very first solo trip like I did last year to Tuscany, pause and be intentional. Sometimes you have to date yourself first to discover what that right trip is, but trust me just a couple of dates and you’ll have your answer.

Here is a list of programs my friends & I have used to travel the world:


I hope this isn’t too forward, but let’s spend this new year, 2023, together! Let’s seize the day, take our power back one piece of our routine at a time, be curious, & look like the most radiant version of ourselves while doing it!

Chat Soon xo,


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